By a2 - 06/02/2014 06:57 - Australia - Bayswater

Today, my boyfriend admitted to subtly encouraging me to do stupid things because he finds my "bimbo moments" hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 021
You deserved it 8 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have a immature boyfriend. You're his girlfriend, not his toy.

My ex used to do that to me, a main reason he is my ex. And apparently the only reason he was with me was for the entertainment and to make himself feel smarter. Some people have a sick sense of humour. :(


I guess you need to take a good long think and decide is that what you want for your future? If you really like the guy you could (and should) talk to him about it and let him know how it makes you feel. If he's a decent guy he'll pull his act together, but repeatedly acting like this towards you gives me the feeling he doesn't have a lot of respect for you and your feelings.

JMichael 25

Your boyfriend seems like an ass to encourage your dumb moments.

perdix 29

Stupid things like dating him?

Well now since you know you can think before you act and if that's not okay with him that's his problem...

Like the time he made you so mad, you posted about it on FML?

Wear a t-shirt that says "I'm With Stupid" when you are out together. Or "fail" so spectacularly that anyone knows you are revenge trolling him.

Next time he wants some loving tell him you're not smart enough to carry out that act and walk away

Well, now that you know, you can refuse to do stupid things--and remind him that you don't exist for his amusement. Or you can constantly spill stuff on him and get a little amusement yourself.

He is one of them! Soon to 'was'??? JK.... It's kinda cute in a way. No it's not?