By confused - 27/02/2015 03:07 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, my boyfriend and I broke up because we got into a fight over what color that confusing black and blue and white and gold dress was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 369
You deserved it 26 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for letting something so trivial become such a huge issue. Priorities, OP.

I can't believe this shit is going viral.


lol Wired Magazine already confirmed through digital tools and other info that its blue and black. lol oh and the original person who started this insanity named: Swiked on tumblr stated that the dress was indeed blue and black. lol At least you know that the relationship was not worth your time if a topic of debate over what color a dress is broke you up.

lol everyone who hasn't done the proper research and checked on the original poster on tumblr to see what color it is needs to do that before assuming any color. She admitted to the dress being blue and black and supplied a second photo. so.......why are people still freaking out over this?

The dress is actually black and blue in real life, but the lighting of the picture makes it seem like it's different colors to other people. If you see the dress in real life it's blue and black

iamcodydat 8

It's black and blue, never seen any white or gold on it an ive looked multiple times lol

onceabm 12

Good, screw that ******, and screw that dreaa

I still don't get Wassp with that ugly dress n ppl saying wierd colors it's clearly black n blue n y would u break over that shit.... Seriously!

The designer confirmed that it's actually a blue and black dress.... It was on ABC News.