By firsttimer69 - 20/03/2009 06:11 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to have sex. I was a virgin and he wasn't. About 30 seconds in he collapsed on me. I thought he was joking around and I started laughing. He wasn't joking. He was done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 151 738
You deserved it 15 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

are you sure he wasn't a virgin? I know most guys finish in like 2 seconds their first time. maybe he lied to you and he was a virgin too

Hey, at least you know you turn him on A LOT This really never happens you can take my word I want to apologize that's just absurd Mainly you're at fault for the way that you dance and now I **** IN MY PANTS Don't tell your friends or I'll say you're a **** Plus it's your fault, you were rubbing my butt I'm very sensitive, some would say that's a plus Now I'll go home and change I **** right in my pants every time you're next to me And when we're holding hands it's like having sex to me You say I'm premature, I just call it ecstasy I wear a rubber at all times cause it's a necessity Cause I **** in my pants


ilikedogs 0

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! the same thing happened to me xD

enjoymoreradio 0

Ease off the guy. There are people who convert sexual thoughts into stimulation. It's possible that just the lead up to the actual sex got him excited to such a point that it didn't take much.

kimmaye 0

lol im so happy my bf lasts a really long time... the guys talked about on here are just pathetic lol

cool3 0

same thing happened to me. it sucked.

This seems a common topic in jokes. But a friend of mine's GF complains that he takes too long.


boo hoo for you, it's way worse for him anyway

lmfao not the end of the world and hey finaly! a post from someone in Montreal, Quebec!

Same thing for mehh. It hurt so bad for a whole 30sec then he went on my butt cheek. I was very dissappointed.