By MexicanMe - 14/09/2012 14:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I had breakfast with his grandmother. She told him how I'm prettier than "that Mexican" he'd brought home for dinner last week. We had dinner with her last week, and I'm that same Mexican. She then went on to how Mexicans are what's wrong with the economy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 620
You deserved it 3 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh Grandma, is your Alzheimer's acting up again?

Rddvl 11

Well at least now you know if you ever mess up in front of her, she'll forget about it within a week!


rebel_belle1974 5

Grandmas escaped from the nursing home again!

Don't take it personal, she is a confused old lady after all...

You can't blame her, honestly. A. She's bound to have memory issues as she gets older (although at least you're looking prettier this week?) and B. As for the economy comment she was raised in a different generation where racism was more accepted, and illegal immigrants are kind of messing up the system right now.

Yea...listen, if anyone tells me that my race is responsible for messing up the economy, damn right I'll blame them. I'd like to see you accept it as totally ok if someone's grandma said you and your race were responsible for her country's misfortunes because she's old.

chesoes 8

ur right about the first part but totally wrong on the last

21- I wouldn't care too much about it. It's not making a significant impact on my life. Yes, I might be a bit upset, but I wouldn't get all steamed up about it.

Because entering 2 wars that cost us over a trillion dollars had nothing to do with the bad economy.

18, you and that old lady should hang out together and talk about how 'the illegals' are ruining this country, not narrow minded idiots.

Mexicans - the illegal ones - tend to take the crappy jobs no or almost no white person would want to do - like picking fruits at harvest time. So be happy.

She didn't say she hated Mexicans did she? I thought she just said that there was something wrong with immigration laws and ILLEGAL immigrants…

^ Yeah, tell that to someone with NO job. BTW, the wars only accounted for 10% of our national debt, which is really amazing when you consider how much the military is overcharged for everything. Gee, FML is great place to discuss complex issues like the economy. Everyone is so insightful and well informed.

Kn0wledge123 21

The second part doesn't really excuse anything. Racism and racist people suck.

BTW, I'm not saying that OP shouldn't be offended. It's not just Mexicans who are taking American jobs by working off the books and also draining public funds by using entitlement programs and the public schools and not paying taxes. Illegal immigrants from other countries, such as Puerto Rico, are doing it too. When I discuss this issue, I use the term "illegal immigrant" because it's simply more accurate and less rude. It's also rude to disparage a nationality, particularly in front of a member of that nationality, but, in all fairness to this old woman, she's clearly losing her mind, so I wouldn't hold it against her.

Also, not all, Mexicans, or Puerto Ricans for that matter, are illegal immigrants, obviously. I thought I'd mention that before I was pummeled with on onslaught of verbal abuse.

40 your argument is automatically wrong. Puerto Ricans can come to the US when they want. they aren't illegal here

Yes, you're right. Brain fart. I was thinking of Cuba.

naomiomis 4

I am Mexican and my family owns a farm . illegal are messing up our economy no way around it . Also we don't hire illegal at our farm and plenty of white people are willing to help us harvest . They are mostly an embarrassment to people who are Mexican born here or take the trouble to come here legally

Lol "illegal immigrants from Puerto Rico. " Like those illegal immigrants from Hawaii.

Anyway, 46, other than my confusing Cuba with Puerto Rico, which I admit was a silly mistake, what is wrong with my argument? Are you saying that Mexicans ARE the only ones to blame for illegal immigration? Or that they are to blame for the bad economy. Or that illegal immigrants aren't taking American jobs?

JessalynVictoria 6

I don't see why everyone jumped 18. It would be foolish to say that illegal immigrants (no matter what nationality) don't hurt our economy. They don't pay taxes, get free health care, their children also illegal if not born here get schooling that their parent didn't help pay for with taxes... And the list goes on and on. It may be an ugly fact to accept, but that doesn't mean it's racist.

if a person is illegal it is hard for them to get a WORKING social security number. that means they don't get government help. meaning welfare food stamps any of those things. Mexicans aren't the only race that are in the US illegally. illegals do pay taxes. we all pay taxes when we buy shit. a lot of illegals have tax id numbers and use that to pay income taxes, not receive any kind of government money

And all the people who are capable of working but sit back and collect section 8 and welfare aren't hurting the economy? or what about the people collecting unemployment checks while working for cash? it's not just illegals that hurt the economy

skyeyez9 24

But they tie up the ER rooms with their sore toe "ailment" and the taxpayers foot the bill.

54, and 56, Not having a working social security number doesn't prevent them from getting entitlements. Those programs are wrought with fraud. Also, Texas deliberately gives college grants to illegal immigrants. Also, while they may pay sales taxes, most of them don't part income taxes. And no one claimed that Mexicans (being the name of a nationality, not a race, btw) were the only people who come here illegally. Nor did anyone claim that they are the only ones draining public funds. I agree with you on the point you made that able bodied and mentally capable people receiving welfare is a contributing factor to our troubles as well.

Actually about half of the american population old enough to pay taxes, don't pay federal income taxes. Simply because they don't earn enough money. So even if the illegal immigrants were registred tax payers, they probably wouldn't pay taxes anyway, because of low income. On the other hand, illegal immigrants are cheap labor, and therefore attractive labor for the companies, which is why illegal immigrants can be 'good' for the economy, because they help keep the wages down, which will make the profit higher. The companies will also pay higher income taxes because of the increased profit!

Kn0wledge123 21

The legal people in this country are ******* up the economy more than the illegals. I don't think illegals took out home loans they couldn't pay for. It wasn't illegals who combined all of our home loans into securities and pissed it all away in the market. What I don't understand about these arguments is that it bizarrely places the blame of an ailing economy solely on illegal immigrants. The economy is a lot more grey, yellow and orange than black & white people. And to be clear, I do agree that people need to come to this country legally. I don't think it's fair that business hire them for basically slave wages. Those businesses should be punished and the immigration process needs to be rid of all the red tape. It took my mom over 15 years to become a citizen. And that's just sad.

48- I greatly respect people like your family who went through the process to come to the US legally. I came here legally and also resent the people who won't wait for their turn. 63- Thank you for pointing out that Mexicans are indeed a nationality, not a race. It irks me when people say "Mexican race".

I'm not going to try to tackle the race issue here, but I will say this: I am a white guy and a legal US citizen and I would more than happy to be picking strawberries or washing dishes to earn a living. So saying that illegal immigrants only take the jobs us lazy americans don't want is patently false.

Actually no they are not ...just FYI you check up on laws like 287g ...and think about exactly what jobs immigrants are taking from you..i mean if u do manual labor with no benefits then yeah an if u like baby sitting little white kids then yeah immigrants must be ruining ur life

geod69 8

See you don't need makeup in the morning

Silly granny, if we didn't have "Mexicans" who would cut my garden...

Could have been worse he could have cheated

captainburke 5

Watch it, Gran! You must be goin senile!