By anonymous - 11/02/2012 05:57 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex. He swore it wouldn't be 2 minutes long this time. He was right. It was 3 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 982
You deserved it 5 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DalPozzo13 10

That's sad, my dog has gotten it on with a pillow longer than that haha


You shouldn't be having sex outside of marriage. YDI.

What the hell? Who the hell are you to tell some complete stranger over the internet what to do and what not to do with their intimate relationship? Don't even be in the intimacy section if you hate people having sex before marriage.

MrsCunny 1

It's cause it felt so good I guess. I wouldn't know. :P it's a sign of Happiness

franwins0827 7

Convince him to spend more time on foreplay - if you've already gotten yours by the time he puts it in, it won't matter how quick he gets his after that.

Woowww I didn't know guys could last that short time :/ it takes me like 45 min every time and I thought that was fast :/

aron666 25

Don't worry OP, a quicky comes handy sometimes