By anonymous - 11/02/2012 05:57 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex. He swore it wouldn't be 2 minutes long this time. He was right. It was 3 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 982
You deserved it 5 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DalPozzo13 10

That's sad, my dog has gotten it on with a pillow longer than that haha


BarDownDaily 12

Da **** are you talking about. You're stupid.

bizarre_ftw 21

More sex more often. Double up on condom to decrease sensitivity. FOREPLAY. get yours before insertion. Buy toys if necessary

Wow the other girls on this page are brutal. I had a boyfriend like this and the solution is to have sex a LOT, at least twice a day. Eventually he will get used to the feel and last as long as you'd like. Or the second time around will be longer. Either way, you both win. For the record, belittling him for it is going to make everything worse, for you and for his next girlfriend (because if you're bitchy enough to laugh at him for it, you don't deserve the guy).

thamack408 11

honest,quit being a bitch because hes trying his best to improve on how long he wants to last and you are just belittling him. just **** around once or twice a day. also he should ********** before each session so he can get the "quickie" out of the way

Still longer than Kim Kardashian's marriage.

l_like_food 6

at least he is trying but i agree that is pretty short having a lot of sex could help try to masteerbate it can loosen you up and it might make him last longer or take it nice and slow what me and my boyfriend do is during sex we constantly change positions we each choose a few he used to be like that but through doing what i stated before hes up to almost an hour!

Gutmann 0

Lame!! Haha he needs some more practice