By NOKHAN - 25/10/2013 17:17 - United States - Durham

Today, my boyfriend and I watched Star Trek Into Darkness together. He liked it so much that he's now chosen to yell "KHAAANNNNN!" as he cums. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 109
You deserved it 7 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CheeseTron 15

All aboard the USS Intercourse.

I guess it's better than a Vulcan. They don't say anything but glare at you and reprimand you for your show of emotions during sex.


I believe your bf may have a secret crush on Benedict Cumberbatch. But of course....who doesn't?!

incoherentrmblr 21

Wish I would've thought of that.

Since I'm a huge Benedict fan and my fam big into syfy, this would totally turn me on! ;)

I actually watched that film with my boyfriend yesterday! Totally irrelevant but I felt like I needed to share that

Your bf is a true nerdy fan. Just let it go for awhile. I am sure that he will grow tired of saying that.

I would feel more embarassed that my boyfriend took that quote from that abominable remake, apparently without even knowing the original movies so many scenes were stolen from one to one.

Uri69 10

My name is KHAN and I'm not a TERRORIST.