By NOKHAN - 25/10/2013 17:17 - United States - Durham

Today, my boyfriend and I watched Star Trek Into Darkness together. He liked it so much that he's now chosen to yell "KHAAANNNNN!" as he cums. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 109
You deserved it 7 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CheeseTron 15

All aboard the USS Intercourse.

I guess it's better than a Vulcan. They don't say anything but glare at you and reprimand you for your show of emotions during sex.


One reason why this should be considered an FML is because he got it from the reboot, and not from the original 1982 film The Wrath of Khan. I love the reboots, they're good. But the originals will always be the best. Zachary Quinto plays a great Mr Spock, but I think Leonard Nimoy will always be the best Spock.

Also, as someone above already said, Ricardo Montalbán was the perfect Khan. Why on Earth did they choose some pasty white English guy to play a North Indian Sikh?

nitrog100 21

That's really not all that bad. You chose him, weirdness and all.

RuRuSweets 5

I think that's awesome! Sounds fun in bed ;)

you are both nerds it COMES with the territory

thejimler 9

Tell him that screaming out Khan's name when cumming must mean he's gay for Khan. Either his homophobia will make him stop, or we'll get another fml where your bf has gone gay for a fictional character.

Next time put a gag on him and tell him it turns you on. There... problem solved. haha

Dump him. If he wasn't screaming Khan because of the Wrath of Khan then he's just not that into genetically engineered ubermenchen.

He's just channeling his inner Cumberbitch.