By NOKHAN - 25/10/2013 17:17 - United States - Durham

Today, my boyfriend and I watched Star Trek Into Darkness together. He liked it so much that he's now chosen to yell "KHAAANNNNN!" as he cums. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 109
You deserved it 7 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CheeseTron 15

All aboard the USS Intercourse.

I guess it's better than a Vulcan. They don't say anything but glare at you and reprimand you for your show of emotions during sex.


You realize that means he's thinking of Cumberbatch when he's inside you. I hope you like that thought.

you should have realised that Benedict Cumberbatch causes straight men to become gay, and gay girls to become straight.

He doesn't understand that line's history.

fabricatedego 5

wow I'm sorry, but that's hilarious. hopefully it will subside.

Could be worse. At least he took a line from a romantic (albeit tragic) scene!

hobodude34 5

Ahahahaha. He obviously doesn't know the history behind that line though.

well least he don't scream "brittany"!!!!!!!

dancer571998 1