By NOKHAN - 25/10/2013 17:17 - United States - Durham

Today, my boyfriend and I watched Star Trek Into Darkness together. He liked it so much that he's now chosen to yell "KHAAANNNNN!" as he cums. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 109
You deserved it 7 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CheeseTron 15

All aboard the USS Intercourse.

I guess it's better than a Vulcan. They don't say anything but glare at you and reprimand you for your show of emotions during sex.


WTF!!! That is absolutely brilliant!!! Your boyfriend sound awesome! Guess what I'm screaming tonight!

martin8337 35

No one can resist Benedict Cumberbatch.

Show him your-- Wrath and yell KURRRRT!!!!! give me warp drive, Scottie! I need it now!" WTF! When the hell did this turn into a threesome?!

Don't give him the opportunity until he agrees to cut it out.

I'll never get nerds but I do understand a seance of humor! Lol he's funny

Hiimhaileypotter 52

A seance of humor? Is there a lot of dead humor? ;)

obviousboy 8

If you really want him to stop, just remind him he's yelling a guy's name as he cums lol.

At least he isn't acting like a klingon... a broken clavicle is a good omen to them.