By Anonymous - 17/08/2018 03:30

Today, my boyfriend and I were looking up sexy clothes for me to wear while role-playing. I saw something I liked and asked him if we should get it. When he saw the model wearing it in the picture, he asked "Does it come with the girl?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 382
You deserved it 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

I know he thought he was being funny, but damn that’s insensitive. You’re trying to do something nice and different for him and he says that? I hope he realizes just how much something like that hurts. My dad would say that in front of my mom all the lime when looking at ads for cars, boats, clothes etc on TV or in magazines. He thought he was clever too.

Wonder how many of those "it's just a joke" bros would laugh if their girl did this to them, but whatever. No matter how he meant it, if you're trying to be intimate with your partner and they make you feel like they couldn't care less if it was you or some nameless underwear model they got with, it just kills the mood - and depending on their overall relationship or personalities it can be quite a blow to someone's self-esteem. It's not about him not being allowed to be attracted to other women, but if you're in a moment with your partner where it should be about your sex life and attraction to one another, this is just very rejecting. Imagine trying to get your gf in the mood and while she's looking on her phone admiring Tom Hardy shirtless lmao Just for jokes of course, you know So, yeah, timing is important


Bruh it’s just a joke, he doesn’t mean it. Guys say that all the time get over it

Its a joke. Find a ***** copied from a real person and ask him the same.

That sounds like a typical male comment made in jest. My dad does that to my mom all the time and they've been married for 40+ years. It may not be the funniest joke, but it sounds pretty typical.

Yes, the response from boyfriend was stupidly insensitive, but was no doubt a rather clumsy attempt at a joke. He owes you an apology. Speaking as a guy, to me there is nothing as sexy as a naked woman. I have yet to see a piece of lingerie that was more sexy than my wife/girlfriend naked. Of course the lingerie makers try to sell their wares and that sell job includes a picture of a beautiful woman in said lingerie. Then the imagination takes over and boyfriend or husband in store imagines girlfriend/wife looking like the model in the lingerie or maybe the girlfriend/wife thinks that way. Most times that plays out somebody gets disappointed.... On the other hand if it’s about role playing and costumes like the sexy maid or super hero or whatever, then maybe it makes a more sense than ordinary lingerie. But again a costume by itself is not likely by itself to make you more sexy than you are and is not going to make you look like the model unless you already look a lot like the model. Those were just my thoughts about lingerie and costumes - I suppose in some cases they could be fun. But I still say that for most men naked is the best case. And your boyfriend owes you an apology.