By unattractive - 18/12/2010 09:32 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend asked me to pick his nose for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 546
You deserved it 6 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friends nose. Oh wait.


Iknoweverything 29

This site DEFINITELY needs a "What the **** button" next to the "YDI" and "Your Life sucks button."

LOL if it did, I'd be pressing it more than the other ones.

That would be a pretty awesome feature to have, actually!

If he has at least one usable arm (or foot even - bit of a stretch but yoga might work for him), tell him to do it himself.

Smh = so much happiness? Since I'm sure you would NEVER cast dispersions on an entire country just because of one little anecdote. Right? Right??!

smh = super monkey horn? how did you know all of us canadiens have one? now that you know we are the super power of the world due to the fact that we can hail the super monkeys at any given time and canadiens are the only ones who can use them so don't even bother trying to steal them. china, russia, the states? missiles? **** that we have the super monkey horns!

Judas, true lols are hard to come by here. Thanks for that. :)

that is probably one of the coolest things I have ever heard... I love canadians.

not true doc. you tend to have me in stitches.

locura I'm confused. I thought you know about it? if not then what did you mean?

I <3 Canadians. People are so polite in Canada :)

and we are the best lovers in bed also. you forgot that one. ;)

schwiggidy 0

No iocura, you did not shake your ******* head.

Zayna_604 0

Justin Bieber is from Canada.<3 just saying.

ohrlysrsly 0

smh = shaking my head. urban dictionary ftw

What?! I'm sorry I couldn't hear you over our health care benefits. I'm proud to be a Canadian, gtfo.

Shadow_Phantom 26
lovelyllama3 0

What kind of boyfriend actually asks their girlfriend to do that?

auto_da_fe 2

Oh shush, there are way worse things you can complain about. Besides, it's not true love if you're too grossed out to pick their nose for them ;)

brt3420 13

let me guess your also one of those girlfriends that complain that you don't do enough together too. so what are you complaining about