By Janie - 10/01/2012 05:52 - United States

Today, my boyfriend changed his relationship status on Facebook to "Single" and his status to "I'm not kidding, leave your key on the counter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 560
You deserved it 4 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chage your relationship to "Single" as well, and then as a status write "The key is on the counter, along with your penis enlargement pills. Going to feel what a real man is like. Your brother says "hi"." FYL though. Better off without a tosser like him.

Lol? Pussy was too cowardly to do it face to face? You deserve better


That's when you should have a nice yard sale of all his stuff...

Pretty shitty way to break up with someone, but the great thing about these FMLs are the lack of details. Who knows, OP could be some homeless cat lady that wets the bed and lets 'em rip in her sleep. I doubt that's the case, but it could happen. I'd go with both the OP and the boyfriend deserve it. Relationships can be anything you want them to be, except forever perfect.

He's got it all bass-ackwards... You should get the locks changed and write him a Facebook message telling him not to bother bringing the keys back, that it's all settled.

squirrel1215 5

You have a good point there. Even so, it's just better to give news like that face-to-face. One of my ex's broke up with me using a note his sister wrote, hidden in a candy box, given to me by a concerned friend. And no, I'm not a bitch. Most of the time. He was just a pansy.

HiddenMonkey 8

HiddenMonkey liked this I'm sure I'll get trolled for it but I was surprised no one else had done it

squirrel1215 5

...the irony of this statement is overwhelming.

squirrel1215 5

yeah, i'd say everyone should break up in person though. it shows that you have some decency. it sucks when you know you're a good person and get broken up with over a text

stephala23 0

Wow that is a huge dick move. Get over him fast and find somebody worth your time.

It's probably because you are a Facebook and Internet addict and that's the only way he can talk to you. YDI