By XxMe123xx - 19/08/2010 00:51 - France

Today, my boyfriend decided it would be funny to record us having sex and me screaming his name. He set it as my ringtone without telling me. I had my phone volume on high as I was hanging out with my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 550
You deserved it 10 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments


@29 That sucks about the picture, maybe you have a chance to erase it when she doesnt pay attention???? And btw how did your bf convince you to get tied up??

AjLover 0

hey I moderate this bishh :) this Is too Funny :D ,

TerraDiablo 0

gotta say thts freaking kinky yet hot lol

TerraDiablo 0

gotta say thts freaking kinky yet hot lol

WeaponsOfMassDDD 0
bauerd 0

wait whats the problem i have my phone volume on high when im with my family ;)

jcwhite911 0