By XxMe123xx - 19/08/2010 00:51 - France

Today, my boyfriend decided it would be funny to record us having sex and me screaming his name. He set it as my ringtone without telling me. I had my phone volume on high as I was hanging out with my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 550
You deserved it 10 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments


EvilDave 13

If my boyfriend did that to my phone, I'd be kicked out of the house PRONTO.

englishhottiexx 0

I bet your boyfriend got a laugh out of that ;)

aprilmayjune93 0

Oh jeez. I hope my boyfriend never does that. I admit, I'm a screamer. >.

Do you have to have sex at all? This is just my point of view, but to me, all FMLs about sex are YDIs because well.. you wouldn't understand. Sorry for wasting your time.

Because *you put yourself in that situation?

lickmyjock 0

cause you get what's coming to you?

So any fml About sex is deserved because they chose to have sex? That's ridiculous.

that's hilarious! :) be glad you have a guy with a sense of humor! :)

There are over 73 FMLs with the phrase "thought it would be funny" in them (put the phrase into the search box). I think that says a lot about how people manage to screw things up.