By Anonymous - 10/04/2012 20:57 - United States - Muskegon

Today, my boyfriend decided that he didn't need a real job. He wants to sell pot for a living. Or hang drywall. He can't decide. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 345
You deserved it 6 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KiwiKitten 2

This is a man with his future perfectly laid out.

Why not do both? Then he can hide his pot in the drywall. It's a win win! :D


I'm pretty sure dry walking pays less then pot selling.

He should sell pot. Hanging drywall is labor intensive.

Haha thats not a badd idea! Lol u get lots of money selling pot!

littletinyME 5

Hahahahahahaha! Statistics from Fox news!

Ohh, trust me. I know exactly how you feel. I had a loser boyfriend just like that not too long ago. Just wanted to sell pot. No school, no job, just pot.

sappel 4

Omg...that's EXACTLY what my boyfriend said and wants/is doing!

alexismarieb 5

Omg this reminds me of my boyfriend !!!

apbunome1 0

Sell pot it probably pays better

Wow! Sounds like you have a real winner there. Run while you can.

either you tell him to grow up or get out or YDI