By freed - 29/01/2014 05:13 - United States - Cincinnati

Today, my boyfriend finally succeeded in unhooking my bra with one hand, excitedly exclaiming, "Boobies be free!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 585
You deserved it 12 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boobies should always be released into the wild. He was trying to do a good deed.


Master has given booby a sock! Booby is freeeee!

Glad I could make someone's day with a Harry potter reference :)

I'm impressed. Put this man in front of the net! (He's a keeper)

Aww, he sounds sweet. I'd laugh if my bf said that to me (and he probably would).

Goblin182 26

Free boobies! Always exciting. In highschool my GF had a bra that fastened in front. I lerned how to unfasten it with my teeth.

Well, It's great that you learned how to do that since you didn't learn how to write "learned."

Hey, that's quite a feat. I can't even unhook my own bras one-handed!

horizontalline 18
zgomon 10

....Then why does your profile pic have blue around it for 'male'? Maybe it was a mistake, you should probably fix that.... just a heads up to avoid confusion

You have no Idea how proud he feels removing one of them nasty Breast cages with one hand. Let him have this one as a victory

He has unlocked the power of a true Jedi

A true Jedi doesn't have to use their hands.

Wizardo 33

*Rev Lovejoy voice* And the Lord said let the holy and good be free unto the world!