By freed - 29/01/2014 05:13 - United States - Cincinnati

Today, my boyfriend finally succeeded in unhooking my bra with one hand, excitedly exclaiming, "Boobies be free!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 585
You deserved it 12 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boobies should always be released into the wild. He was trying to do a good deed.


SexiChula91 3

haha ur boyfriend is awesome! UDI

That's what I say when I take off my bra too.

Well at least he didn't say"My Breast friends!"

Malicteal 21

Now he needs to work on undoing it with no hands.

ohishkabibble 21

Haha, good job, OP's bf! I made my boyfriend sit down with me and practice unhooking my bra with one hand, over and over again. He finally got it down, though! I've never understood how it's so hard unhooking one, but I guess I do it every day...

I'm not rating this one. How is it an fml? He's being a typical guy.


And God said "Let there be boobies," and there were boobies.

pnutzmckracken 3

I fail to see an issue with this, let him enjoy his victory.