By Anonymous - 23/04/2011 08:17 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend forgot to tell me about the all-night bender he went out on, and what he got up to with my best friend. But its okay; the Facebook pictures say it all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 654
You deserved it 3 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why is it that if a man has sympathy for a womans situation it's assumed that he's trying to pick up a chick?

reaver24 0

look at it this way... when in doubt, Facebook, cus there's no such thing as secrets there...


and on 39's note not ALL 14 year olds are horny cause they can't get any...that's stereotyping just because a kids 14 doesn't neccissarily mean they have their head up their ass...smh some people UNLIKE you have sympathy for people when something shitty happens In their life

soldierinarms 0
soldierinarms 0
soldierinarms 0
fockyou123 0

Well... a picture's worth a thousand words. In his case, they're a thousand worthless apologies. Am I right?

why not just console the poor girl? look at the thing she let touch her! yikes! now this horrid shared experience has brought you closer together.

Seems like your best friend forgot to tell you too. Sisters before misters!

With a Boyfriend and "Best friend" like that.. Forget them both.

chanma 0

Sucks how everybody's life is ALL about social networking