By Anonymous - 23/04/2011 08:17 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend forgot to tell me about the all-night bender he went out on, and what he got up to with my best friend. But its okay; the Facebook pictures say it all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 654
You deserved it 3 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why is it that if a man has sympathy for a womans situation it's assumed that he's trying to pick up a chick?

reaver24 0

look at it this way... when in doubt, Facebook, cus there's no such thing as secrets there...


It can't be all that bad if they made it public of Facebook … I don't blame you for being upset though. I think it may be time to change your relationship status to "single" and a new best friend.

What idiots. I think you need to reconsider who your best friend is. Also, talk to your boyfriend about it.

Why is it that if a man has sympathy for a womans situation it's assumed that he's trying to pick up a chick?

i think that u should say somethong to him and dependin on what he says decide if ur relationship status should be single instead im sorry this happened to u

Unless he slept with him/her (never said) why is it a problem? If they're friends too they should be aloud to hang out without having to inform you shouldn't they? Unless the pictures showed them in some way betraying you I don't know why that would be bad either.

I'm assuming he cheated because she said the pictures say it all. But even if they didn't or if they were just friends, staying out all night with a girl friend when you are in a relationship isn't a good idea.

It's not necessarily a bad idea, it just gets suspicious when they don't mention it to their partner. Unless they're one of those over-jealous, über-suspicious partners, in which case if you want the relationship to work you wouldn't even consider it.

yeah. I would assume he did cheat on her because pics showing them hanging out wouldn't be worth an fml...

Mylesv420 0

Refer to your picture for more information.

SofaKingFast 0

it's a cartoon robot on the show Futurama

A kitchen appliance you can put stuff in and mix up and chop and purée and stuff.

Dammit... now I really want a milkshake. ;_;

40 - or username..? I think it's sweet that Bambi is asking.

cause most on here are dumbass horny 14 year olds that can't get any because they're too immature.

doc_j 0

cause he sounds like a tool. its her boyfriend she doesnt own him he could go on a bender if he wants and should without catchin crap from her. grow a di*k bro and dont forget to to bring ur ba**s with u next time u go see her

Wait... your boyfriend, who is an autonomous person, went out in public without you, and with a mutual friend, and had the nerve to not give you a detailed account of where he was going, and who he was going with? The nerve of him!! Look, unless he was cheating on you (and you found out via facebook, which sucks) then get go over it. He's your boyfriend, not an extension of you, which means he has every right to go out without telling you where and with whom.

KayleeFrye 39

I agree with #43. If he actually cheated on you, by all means dump him, he's a jerk and not worth your time. If he didn't, get over it. You don't own him, it sounds like you're being one of those clingy, jealous girlfriends.

I'm pretty sure you can assume that he cheated just by the fact that it's an fml

I dunno. I've seen a lot of REALLY dumb FML's that aren't even really remotely FML-ey.

KayleeFrye 39

Possibly, but once again, the OP may be one of those whiny, over dramatic girls who blow everything out of proportion. I knew girls in college who would FLIP the f**k out if they even SAW their boyfriend TALKING to another girl, accusing them of "cheating." Hell, one of my 'best' friends didn't speak to me for weeks because her boyfriend and I went out for ONE drink. (It was my 21st birthday, and he was the only person in our group of friends who was also 21.) We really have no way of knowing in this case, just playing devil's advocate. :)

KayleeFrye 39

And also, if Facebook existed back then, we probably would have put up a few pictures of us at the bar. Does that mean we were cheating?