By Anonymous - 23/04/2011 08:17 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend forgot to tell me about the all-night bender he went out on, and what he got up to with my best friend. But its okay; the Facebook pictures say it all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 654
You deserved it 3 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why is it that if a man has sympathy for a womans situation it's assumed that he's trying to pick up a chick?

reaver24 0

look at it this way... when in doubt, Facebook, cus there's no such thing as secrets there...


88sforlife 0

op should post the facebook link for all to see

clickBOOM 0

I had this happen to me. Best part? My scumbag of a boyfriend married my ***** of a "best friend" and now they are going through a divorce and he wants me back. I get enjoyment out of his suffering now. Karma is a Bitch and they will both get theirs. Hold your head up OP you don't need them.

msloquita 0

I totally agree with #3. you totally deserve better

ashannmj 1

I hope you dumped that ******** and beat her ass.

bubo_fml 10

Give him a pass, he may not remember anything...Your best friend however...

coughcoughASSHOLEcoughcough... Sorry, im a little congested...

What's up with all this awful best friends? Clearly your boyfriend is a douche bag and dump your best friend she is a ho