By Anonymous - 04/01/2014 23:13 - Canada - Hamilton

Today, my boyfriend met my parents. Within minutes, my dad managed to verbally sever his balls and reduce him to tears, "just for fun" apparently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 697
You deserved it 5 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All these FMLs give me good ideas for what to do when my future kids start dating.


That sucks op! Atleast your boyfriend tried you have too give him that

Llama_Face89 33

Your boyfriend needs to man up..

Ydi for picking a sissy for a boyfriend..

So because someone cries, that makes them a "sissy"? No. No, it really doesn't. Idiot.

I would've ****** with the dad even more "just for fun" you try to disrespect me I'll disrespect you right back

I know a girl whose dad was like this, and I wouldn't date her because of it. She's now a single mom at 18 because her dad ran the good guys off. Asshole parents create sneaky children.

Okay I'm getting extremely annoyed here...guys who are commenting that her boyfriend is a "pussy" or "sissy" etc, you need to grow the **** up. You're not making yourself sound tough if thats what you're going for, and in fact to me all that goes through my head is some names id rather not mention. Everyone can have there own opinion but for those particular ones, just think about this..everyone who's old enough has at least one thing who can break them down no matter what the circumstance.

PainOfDemise 11

I need your dad's # and get some tips from him for when my daughter gets old enough to start dating.

One day my daughter will write this same fml

mxij 13

Well, now we know he's your dad's bitch