By soldiergirl - 25/10/2011 00:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me because he "can't date someone who supports the war". We started dating because he thought I looked cute in my uniform. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 099
You deserved it 3 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he think you were just wearing an Army Halloween costume every day? I'm not sure how he didn't realize this for two years.

lizard399 0

You like pancakes and I don't! I just don't support those pancakes.. It's over, even though we met at ihop.. I just can't be with a pancake eater..


It's probably just an excuse he came up with. Either way he's a douchebag.

KaskStunter 4

You don't have to support war to be in the army. If you really support the war, then his reasoning seems ok. If he just interpreted that uniform equals war love, then FYL indeed.

support of something like that should not have to do with a relationship. he is just a dick

lizard399 0

You like pancakes and I don't! I just don't support those pancakes.. It's over, even though we met at ihop.. I just can't be with a pancake eater..

Hard to tell gender with the name lizard399 and a private profile.

How the **** can you not support pancakes? Those golden, soft, delectable little slices of heaven could bring peace between North and South Korea...

alannah1988 4

Guys make up the darnest excuses...

leadman1989 15
bizarre_ftw 21

Yeah but at least ours have some semblance of intelligence to them... Guys tend to have the logic of 3rd graders ^_^

That is debatable. I've seen some chicks who can be pretty retarded.

RedPillSucks 31

oo oo ooooo I love a good debate... *fills tub with jello. pops pop corn* proceed!

I'd like to see how cute you look in your uniform, your not stationed in FL are you?

RebekahBrooke 9

you're* and uhm, its called 'personal message'. This is not, 'comment creepy things to frighten young women'.

he's serving your country . I'm pretty sure he's not creepy .or scary

Hes probably scary. Unless he's air force. They have it easy.

Yessss, because we all know people in the military can't be serial stalkers and/or killers. -_-

Grammar nazi... "You're"... Always capitalize the beginning of a sentence, and don't be so damn rude! Grammar and manners are BOTH important.

There's one of two things going on here. Either OP's ex is a spineless cretin who can't even do someone he was with for two years the courtesy of telling her why he's really ending the relationship; or, OP's ex really is so stupid that he didn't think about the conflict between OP's career and his beliefs for two whole years. Either way, I'd say he isn't much of a loss.

kshafer08 7

That sucks. And that's a pretty damn lame excuse given the circumstances on why he got with you to begin with.

Sometimes peoples beliefs shift and they become incompatible with the person they are with. Assuming it isn't a lame excuse to break up with you it's better that it happened now and not after you got married and had a kid or two. Sucks when it happens to you though. Hope you find happiness soon.

leadman1989 15

I think it's all that man fur on your face that really did the trick... at least you aren't dating a pussy any more I'd shave it for ya. ;p

bizarre_ftw 21

You were dating him for his looks and 'skills' weren't you?

Alexisthebestest 16

Sounds like OP's ex was only dating her for her looks, hence the reason they started dating in the first place.