By chipmunk - 29/10/2009 05:20 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of seven years dumped me because he said my cheeks getting way too fat for his taste and he didn't want to be with a chipmunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 684
You deserved it 7 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should love someone for who they are not what they look like.

but chipmunks rule! ALVIN, SIMON, THEODORE.


angryseatroll 5

Well, there might have been other reason and hedisnt want to say them. Or he was looking for an excuse because he diane just want to be with you. Or he could just have a phobia of chipmunks.

Improbability 0

Ug. My sister-in-law was broken up with by being told he could see her getting fat one day. Not that she was, but that he could "see it." #33 has it right. This was an easy way out for him. If he was seriously concerned with the chipmunkness of your face, he's an ass. Along with every other SUPER shallow person out there. Looks can and do matter, but not THAT much! I can't even count how many times I have seen the person downing cheeseburgers and fries, never exercising and staying skinny anyway, judge the poor girl who eats healthier and tries harder.

ozymandias_fml 0

YDI for not taking care of yourself and considering his feelings and opinions when you packed on the pounds.

Ligerie 0

well I wouldn't want to be stuck with someone I really wasn't attracted to. But I'm sure there is more to it than that.

apparently he didnt like you chipmunking his nuts. I'm sorry.

Lose weight to make him feel bad. Living well is the best revenge

It sounds like there's another reason behind it. If he's been with you for seven years and just one day decides to break up with you because of your cheeks, he's a shallow loser. I mean come on! After seven years looks shouldn't matter that much, unless that's the only reason he was dating you. If that's the case, be glad he's gone. You deserve a guy that will love you for you, not just your looks.

srscrs 0

I'm confused... I was bored and did the moderate the fml thing last night. This one came up, only with the added line "I just had my wisdom teeth removed" at the end. So... did they edit that line out or is someone just submitting a ton of fml's, hoping one will eventually be accepted even if they're fake?

Well that would explain why her cheeks would be "fat". Just swelling.

I would say YDI because you did it to urself, its not like he stuffed u with all that food which made u fat. FYL because he could leave u in more gentle way. Anyway now u have the right motivation to less weight heads up!