By chipmunk - 29/10/2009 05:20 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of seven years dumped me because he said my cheeks getting way too fat for his taste and he didn't want to be with a chipmunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 684
You deserved it 7 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should love someone for who they are not what they look like.

but chipmunks rule! ALVIN, SIMON, THEODORE.


cerebellum_fml 0

just more padding for the pushing

so her boyfriend complained about something he caused himself? odd

Until the chipmunk comment, I thought you were talking about another set of cheeks... :3 lol xD You're better off without him though.

make a comment on his weight gain and kick him in the face.

Intellectualist 0

Well, that's okay. You didn't want to be with a ********, either.

thetraveler_fml 3

To react I would have to know how fat you are. If you're can't-get-in-the-car-door fat and waddling your way around the world, then YDI. If you're just pudgy, then FYL.

YDI for thinking you can let your body go thinking "I have a boyfriend anyway"

THIS. Obviously there was something more to this breakup. Unless you went from being a size 4 when you guys started dating to a size 10. Then Y totally DI.

Because of course you know exactly what she was thinking, right?