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By anonymous - 04/07/2012 14:45 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed. Two hours later I get a text from my ex announcing he has just been diagnosed with chlamydia. I now have to explain this to my fiancé. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 188
You deserved it 34 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1) He's your ex 2) He has an STD 3) He could have given it to you while you were together It seems pretty damned easy to explain unless I'm missing a step... 4) You're still sleeping with him


Wait? How long ago were you with ur ex? Either you've been proposed to very quickly or you've been fooling around with ur ex, cus although chlamydia isnt always noticeable, girls are much more likely to notice symptoms than men, so whats ur excuse?

candylandy 1

Wouldn't you notice you had chlamydia before your bf proposed, unless you're the kind of couple that proposes after being together for a week.

I don't get why people are saying you deserve it. It isn't your fault that your ex might have given you chlamydia when you were still together.

McNerdyNerd 8

I don't understand. If you have been dating someone else long enough to be proposed to, couldn't your ex have gotten it long after you two did stuff? Unless you cheated. Then of course, you deserve it.

How long ago did you stop sleeping together?

josiemorehouse 12

To all the 'YDI' people saying 'OP cheated', you people are ignorant. A LOT of carriers of STDs, primarily women, don't even KNOW they are harboring an infection. Some don't show signs for months or years, some NEVER show signs. It could've been that OP's ex just now decided to tell her, he may have known for a while, may have shown symptoms, and just decided to tell OP now since she got engaged. No, you can't judge based on the small info provided in the FML. Sorry OP, but I'd get tested first, then if you're positive, drill into the ex to find out more info as to when he may have noticed symptoms. Also, let your fiance know NOW if you are positive. If you're negative, tell the ex to go f*** himself, then tell every one of your girl friends to steer clear of the ex, and let them tell their friends to be careful around him. Then, I'd tell your fiancé that you had a scare, and that you require him to be honest with you and ask he get tested for any possible STDs. Both come into the relationship/marriage with a clean bill, and build your life together. Good luck OP, hope everything works out for you.

maronofhearts 19

Or you could skip all that crap and get tested regularly or inbetween relationships or if you know the guy is shady

Just take anti-biotics prescribed by the doctor.

YDI for not getting checked between partners. People who are too irresponsible to get checked shouldn't be having sex.

kiraleann 16

A lot of people on this post need to go back to sex ed and learn something about STIs. This doesn't mean that she's cheating on her new fiance at all. People can be infected with these things and not even know it because they have no symptoms, and it can go on for months or years before they ever find out. Her ex is being responsible by letting every woman he slept with know that he was diagnosed so that they can go get themselves checked out as well. That doesn't even necessarily mean that he already had it when OP was still with him.