By Anonymous - 23/10/2010 09:07 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend said he wants a Hello Kitty wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 753
You deserved it 9 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Was this after you flashed him with your "Hello Kitty" panties?


chobitschibi1369 0

Also, generally straight men who like things like that are either thinking in a perverted since towards it or may be bi-curious. Though it is entirely possible he is a little feminine. No crime there.

37 you sir have earned my respect pointing out the obvious stupidity of select individuals in this fml post

BeastNerd 3

Kay, aren't you a woman, even if you're Satanic? Maybe we can call you "Satania", or "Sataniqua" if you prefer.

dudeitsdanny 9

Not all gay men like Hello Kitty, but more gay men than straight men do. You need to learn some logic. Not all of a group has to like something, but if it's more likely for an effeminate gay man than an effeminate straight man to exist, and like Hello Kitty, it's a fair assumption. He never said all gay men like girl things, he said this particular one liking this particular thing seemed gay. Don't take it up the ass, it's not a homophobic assumption.