By still hungry - 21/04/2012 13:04 - United States - Chicago

Today, my boyfriend said he was going to give me breakfast in bed before he left. He walked over, threw some granola bars on the bed next to me and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 324
You deserved it 4 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Redoxx_fml 22


You should have crumbled the bars in the bed and left them there for him to sleep in.

You mean you had to get breakfast all by yourself?! FYL indeed!

That's something my brother would do to his fioncè... Actually I think he has.

sounds like something mh boyriend would do

enjoi200 0

nah im pretty sure hes a human...not a troll..u know..cuz they dont exist

Haha omfg that's really funny I would of been laughing my ass off

LoneBooker88 16

nice guy. gotta admit he has some humor :)