By still hungry - 21/04/2012 13:04 - United States - Chicago

Today, my boyfriend said he was going to give me breakfast in bed before he left. He walked over, threw some granola bars on the bed next to me and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 324
You deserved it 4 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Redoxx_fml 22


lacrossebrah13 8
peachesncreem 21

How dare you! Never speak of bacon like that!

Bacon is the reason that everyone is so fat

If that is true 151, then it would be because bacon tastes awesome, therefore not nasty at all, thus nullifying your previous comment.

HolyPotato 9

Ungrateful! You think too hard on what breakfast in bed is. He could have let you get up and get them yourself.

Birdie_Sage 0

What'd ya want sweetie? Homemade bacon with eggs? Nah, what'd ya take me for? A chef?

BubbleGrunge 18

What is it with everyone saying "dump him"? Ladies, just because we have a small little argument with our boyfriends, they don't complement you the way you like or their sense of humor is a little less than your liking, doesn't automatically mean dump him. No wonder relationships don't last anymore.If something is broke, fix it!

Hey, you did get breakfast now, didn't you? Now, that you have had something to eat, get yourself out of bed and go prepare something. Simple.

Your definition of breakfast in bed seems to be different from his.

Birdie_Sage 0

Yes it is... Know why? He THREW the bars at her.