By Anonymous - 07/07/2014 01:27 - United States - Sandston

Today, my boyfriend said that he doesn't have to marry me because we coincidentally have the same last name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 768
You deserved it 5 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He can still marry you, but you don't get the hassle of changing your name on driving licence, bank cards etc. That's brilliant!

"You know that means I can't kiss you, because we have the same last name and that would be incest"


I have the same last name as my boyfriend too, and what's even creepier is that both our parents went to the same high school and then moved to the same town x3

you shouldn't date your relatives, that's just wrong

MiissAshleyy 19

im not an expert..but I dont think that's how it works.

froggie725 6
SaharaZinc 14

That usually means that there's some relation somewhere down the line.

You guys should marry anyway, he just doesn't wanna spend the damn money

kirbs19 37

He needs to put a ring on it!