By Anonymous - 07/07/2014 01:27 - United States - Sandston

Today, my boyfriend said that he doesn't have to marry me because we coincidentally have the same last name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 763
You deserved it 5 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He can still marry you, but you don't get the hassle of changing your name on driving licence, bank cards etc. That's brilliant!

"You know that means I can't kiss you, because we have the same last name and that would be incest"


I am more concerned as to why they have the same last name in the first place...

Really? You've never met multiple people with the last name 'Smith', for example?

HammyBear13 8

When i was in high school, the varsity quarterback and i had the same last name and everyone used to call me the quarterback kid, even though we werent related in any way. We had never even met until our senior year in high school. Its not uncommon for people to have the same last name and be unrelated. Hes a loser for giving that excuse OP. Tell him to either leave the relationship or grow some balls and get over the common name. If he really loved you, he wouldnt care about last names.

You people act like he has to get married. Maybe he just isn't ready for that big of a commitment and he is just using the last name as lame excuse it's still a valid one if he isn't ready for that big of a commitment considering how many marriages result in divorce

If your with someone with the same last name you might be a redneck. are ya sure your not in alabama.

Am I the only one who thought this was a funny? joke.

There no such thing as coincidence. I'm willing to bet if you trace both family trees back far enough, there's a common ancestor. At least one.

skittyskatbrat 19

Maybe next time, don't find your date at the family reunion? ;)