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By brokenhearted - 05/12/2012 11:29 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, my boyfriend sent me so many nice texts that he made me fall in love with him that little bit more. It turns out he was sweetening me up before telling me he cheated on me the night before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 183
You deserved it 2 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, he didn't break it to you in song, in front of 100 other people, that's a start. But the sweetening deal makes him seem a little cowardly, especially IF he told you he cheated by text. Anyway, here's to to hoping things shape of for you, one way or another, OP. We're here for you at least.

Show him some lovin with a swift kick to the balls


Well, he didn't break it to you in song, in front of 100 other people, that's a start. But the sweetening deal makes him seem a little cowardly, especially IF he told you he cheated by text. Anyway, here's to to hoping things shape of for you, one way or another, OP. We're here for you at least.

spekledworf 18

Well OP could always write 7 albums on it and be the next Taylor Swift

heartemopants 18

I must say first off. Don't be mean about Taylor Swift she gets me through break ups! But I really appreciate the references to other fmls l. Then make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside

tsent8 15

Put icy hot on his balls! And people say FML makes us stupid.

If I had not been reading every single FMLs these days I would be left wondering what the F are you guys talking about. No, not the Taylor Swift one.

Show him some lovin with a swift kick to the balls

senor_awesome 14

Maybe she can do like Swift and write a hit song about this experience

garrett8614 2
iOceanus 18

26) Not at all. What have you that idea?

iOceanus 18
senor_awesome 14

26- No, not really. I just like Capitalizing random Words.

rastapasta 11
priceyfml 7

I absolutely CAN'T STAND cheaters, they disgust me. I'm young but, still I know I'm not going to be one.

Nightwing98 22

3- There is a button for that. 28- that was not a reply to 3 so don't hit reply, hit comment, not reply.

Nightwing: Keeping our comment sections clean.

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hunterluv1 20

Why can't people say sorry just to show sympathy and that they feel for OP? ..

Well I bet you you love him a little less now huh. That cheating bastard. You should dump him.

lelo007 11

Yea, I usually don't agree with dumping them right off the bat, but cheaters are a different story. If he really loved her in the first place, he wouldn't have cheated.

tsent8 15

Forget dumping him humiliate him publicly! OP I want an FML on my desk by tomorrow that goes along the lines of Today, my gf took me out to dinner not only did she dump me but she put at least four pills of Viagra in my drink... It's been more than four hours. FML

That wasn't very clever. If you're going to do a counter FML make it good. Maybe something like..... Today I told my girlfriend that I had cheated on her last night. We talked it over and I thought we would be able to work it out. Three hours later, the doctor in the ER is informing me that judging by the bruising on my testicles, he doesn't believe working it out will be an option.

That wasn't very clever. If you're going to do a counter FML make it good.

Cheating is bad enough, but he's telling you through text? Dump him.

ImmortalKratos 0

What I can't figure out is why he told her at all???

mcBe 6

Relationships are built on trust, he f*cked up and is telling her he did but should've done it in person or here's a thought, not cheated at all.

olpally 32

What a douche nozzle and an ass cricket. He should've manned up and told you in person! Break up with him!

Ass cricket? Douche nozzle? Oh! I am SO stealing these both. Brilliant.

49-you took the words right out of my mouth. 8-Douche nozzle perfectly describes OP's BF (hopefully ex-BF) and is my absolute favorite new phrase. Thanks!

olpally 32

You're both very welcome! Lol :D

Both of those have been said in earlier FML comments

Yeah, it's not like he coined the terms.

olpally 32

Yeah, so? They were used like last month already, and I haven't seen anyone use them the past few days or weeks for that matter. Get over it.

66&76- It doesn't matter, I haven't heard those phrases before. So calm your jealous asses down and stop acting like douche nozzles.

tj5810 21

What a douche! Sorry OP, no one deserves that. His loss! Keep your head up.

you're so easily fooled by few simple lies.

senor_awesome 14

Well now, that's a petty accusation. Where is the proof?