By Anonymous - 27/09/2011 15:56 - United States

Today, my boyfriend still couldn't work out where my clitoris is. It's RIGHT THERE, you idiot. I've pointed it out, but each time it's like he needs a compass and a map or something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 700
You deserved it 13 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

steve247 2
orgasm_blush 4

Hmmm. How old are you guys I feel like that might play a big part in this.


Angelrose2004 17

Why waste your breath tryin to explain it? If he can't find it, then he don't need to be havin sex in the first place.

suitgirl5 5

This sounds like 2 pre teens who are clueless. I agree with the above, try a sharpie and draw an "x".

Crap I accidentally thumbs upped this....

GraveRobber14 13

It's ok I thumbed it down for ya :D

hippy_child 0

Why thumbs down? If the kids don't know where the parts are it's pretty obvious they don't need to be experimenting.. Does he at least know how to use a condom?

suitgirl5 5

I fail to understand the thumbs down, "x" marks the spot could evolve into sexy pirates. "she's gonna blowwwwwww!!"

PyroParrish 0

I'll give me a shot I'll show him where it's at after were through

Get a life #16. you just look ******* pathetic.

Ummm, this post makes you sound about 14... So I'm gonna go with a previous commenter and say if he cant find it you shouldn't be having sex.

dreemzzz80 0

lmao! yesss i hate that shit...its like they are in the vicinity but just can seem to get it exact haha

every1luvsboners 11

Just point to your arse-hole and get a couple rim-jobs out of the deal.

suitgirl5 5
codystone2 0