By Anonymous - 26/12/2009 08:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told his parents about my bondage fetish. In front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 636
You deserved it 3 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Maybe they'll give you a dungeon as a wedding gift!


that realy sucks but you shouldn't be ashes for something that brings you joy, also your boyfriend shouldn't be such an idiot and tell people that don't need to know about your sex life. on the bright side, they may not care one way or the other and get you new "equipment" for your birthday.

Connkidd 0

what a dickface, make him suffer!

childofadelphia 0

That's horrible and embarrassing. =( I'm sorry that happened to you, I hope everything's okay between you and his parents.

Frank_Sinatra 0

So do they wish to join you guys sometime?

kitankitty 0

its not embarrassing. what is embarrassing is that the OP thought that this was (a) something that should be hidden and (b) an fml because the OP was 'outed'. if you like something that much, you shouldnt hide it. im into this kind of stuff. most everyone i know, they know. and if they dont like it, oh well. this is an fyl just because you dont have the guts to tell the truth.

just because your personal life is on the forefront, doesn't mean that the OP wants it to be that way. Some people like to keep their personal lives private.

It's embarassing for any detail of a persons sex life to be shared with their parents or spouses parents. You clearly have social issues aswell because I doubt anyone wants to know your kinks.

annelbayudan 0

uhhh.... could you tell us about your bondage fetish? Nice and slow now.

On the bright side, your parents are now much less confused as to why you wanted duct tape for Christmas.

no. f your life for assuming; tard. I do, just not ridiculous degrading bondage crap.

pinstripewhales 0

ydi for having a bondage fetish.