By fuckyoutoo - 24/03/2013 23:47 - Canada - Armstrong

Today, my boyfriend told me he doesn't share food after I tried taking a chip from him. I made popcorn that night, and when he tried to take some, I said, "I'm sorry, I don't share food" to get him back. His response? "I can tell." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 325
You deserved it 9 642

Same thing different taste

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Aaaaaand then I reread this fml, and realized I'm an idiot, as he started it, she retorted and he took it up a notch into ******** mode. :p Commence the thumb burial, please.


adam_night 9

Hey OP this really sucks. I don't know you ofcourse but my suggestion would be to dump this guy. First of all, he doesn't share food? Who the hell doesn't share food?? Especially chips man that's the food made for sharing. Secondly, I m sorry to tell you this but, judging from that comment, he doesn't seem to respect you at all. You deserve someone 100 times better than this asshole. Don't settle down for him, dump his ass and find the right guy (I know how hard it is to find the right one trust me, I ve been in and out of stupid flings for a while now) but if you keep trying you ll fond the right one, hopefully everything works out for you.

He was hungry? Maybe she was hungry too? Doesn't matter what state you are in you always share food or alcohol or cigs with your friends and especially your gf. I don't wanna live on this planet anymore!

Hahaha, double win of him. Anyway, he's a scumbag.

Chucklikesbacon 12

It's kind of a mix of YDI and FYL. YDI for not letting it go, it's his right not to share, but then he should accept that for you aswell, without insulting you. But I have to admitt, it was a clever response, even if it was very rude.

Tell him you don't share your ****** either.

flashback_fml 14

Lol if you are fat don't start a food argument