By Anonymous - 13/10/2015 07:35 - United States - Davis

Today, my boyfriend told me that he doesn't know why I think deepthroating is so uncomfortable. To prove his point, he grabbed my dildo and effortlessly slid it down his throat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 972
You deserved it 6 175

Same thing different taste


He clearly has deepthroating experience!

at least he isn't one of those hypocritical assholes that expects you to do it when he wouldn't dream of it?

bad_boyfriend 10

Some people just don't have a gag reflex.

ugh, I know that feeling. I can get a few inches down my throat before gagging, but my SO apparently has no gag reflex. I want that talent ?

please tell me how this is a fml, when both of them are ok with what happened?

The moderators here certainly think every comment to a story is directed to them... And I meant no offense, but was simply wondering. Yes, I know you are going to moderate this one as well, so go ahead.

This fml actually had me laughing. Impressed with the op's bf managing to pull that off firstly cos it's not an easy thing to do, and op's response is awesome too haha. I think he deserves some sexy fun time for that. As for all the folks saying check his sexuality, they are prob just jealous they can't pull that off :)

some people just do not have a gag reflex.