By Grrrawrwtf - 03/06/2012 04:25 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that he wanted to break up with me but it had to be after our cruise together because he doesn't want to lose out on money. Can't wait for the Bahamas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 951
You deserved it 2 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Greendaycheese 12

Push him off of the cruise ship! >:)

Guess who's sleeping on the couch in your suite?


linkinpark98 23

Well, meet a nice gentleman on the ship. :) Someone who won't be such a douchebag.

And you said yes to that? Break up with him now and go on the cruise yourself

Perhaps you could tell him, "No, our relationship is over now; you'll find my concern for your money in the same ocean where you drowned your gallantry" and then book a cruise to somewhere else?

jojimugo 20

Go with him and hook up with another passenger on board and lock him out of the room while you enjoy yourself

wanderingshopper 13

This just means you get to show him how much fun you can have on a cruise. He gets to watch you flirt and dance with other guys. His loss!

burntbeard 4

maybe the guy can redeem himself on the cruise away from all his friends when its just the two of you.

There is no redeeming from that s@$?, dump him now and take the cruise without him.

Then don't go. I'm sure there is a million other fun things you could do then go on a trip with an asshole who plans to dump you immediately afterwards.

perdix 29

Go to the bar on the ship and find a new "roommate." ;) Place an ad in the cruise's daily newsletter saying that your ex has herpes, gonorrhea and leprosy (invest in an ad with pictures -- of his face and of diseased junk), so he won't be able to replace you on the trip.

Push him off the cruise and enjoi urself or make him want u back :D