By Grrrawrwtf - 03/06/2012 04:25 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that he wanted to break up with me but it had to be after our cruise together because he doesn't want to lose out on money. Can't wait for the Bahamas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 951
You deserved it 2 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Greendaycheese 12

Push him off of the cruise ship! >:)

Guess who's sleeping on the couch in your suite?


YesyDidWhat 0

Dumboears, stop correcting people it's annoying! Let them spell shit the way they feel like it-.-

YesyDidWhat 0

OP, why even bother going to the cruise when he already dumped you? screw him! Let him loose the money! You're going to be miserable there anyways.

pavlovaaLOVE 7

Exactly! And being the prick that he is he might even act all lovey dovey on the cruise and lead you to believe that he wants you two to stay together... And then still dump you when he gets back. Now that will hurt more than this time

melikeyturtles 3

You don't "loose" money, you "lose" money. That is all.

pavlovaaLOVE 7

Lead him to believe that u will meet him at the departure area.. And then when he calls u to see why u haven't arrived yet tell him you'll Meet him on board... N then obviously don't show up. Hell look like an idiot by himself on the cruise. Orrrrr tell him the departure time is delayed by an hour so he can miss it; take his ticket and take a friend!

Get on the ship and so ok see ya and go have a good time by your self. Just make sure you have a room key just in case. Good luck.

wildsweetchild 19

Who cares if he there...screw's Bahamas! Go have fun!

Go and have a sweeping holiday romance.

Unbweavable 17

....You could always break up with HIM

I went on a cruise solo 3 years ago. It was one of the best things I've ever done! "Lose" his ticket and go without him!