By fuuuudge - 19/08/2009 05:55 - United States

Today, my boyfriend took me out to meet his friends. It was going really well until I left to use the bathroom and two of the girls with us came in and started talking about how creepy Matt's new girlfriend is and that they're happy he's going to dump her. My boyfriend is Matt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 652
You deserved it 3 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fmlfmlfml15 0

well now you know he's going to dump you....beat him to it. unless those two girls knew you were in the bathroom and just wanted you two to break up

They knew you were in there. They were probably just trying to make you think he's going to dump you. Unless I'm completely wrong and he does.


isaysummer 0

That sounds either fake or like a prank. Unless those girls are the stupidest people alive, wouldn't they know that you're in the bathroom too?

That was a prank. Now do the same with them!

It seems unlikely that he'd go to the trouble of introducing you to his friends if he was planning on dumping you...that'd just create problems down the line. I'd wager those girls were just trying to get under your skin.

Harumph. To those say "YDI for being creepy" it's likely she's not actually creepy but is just different from them, who sound to me like your standard Barbie-esque bimbos, and thus think anyone who doesn't obsess over pink and make up is creepy/weird/freaky. Even if it is a prank, they seem like some real bitches. Guess you'll know if Matt breaks up with you.

ladiidaa 0

Just because it pisses you guys off. YDI for being a creepy loser. Anyways. I either call fake, or you're taking them too seriously. If they were friends he brought you out to meet, they wouldn't have gone to the bathroom and talk about you while you're in there. Its pretty noticeable when someone leaves the group, especially the girlfriend/boyfriend of a friend, unless it was a large party. Second of all, I doubt he'd break up with you right after introducing you to his friends. That makes no sense. If he wanted confirmation that you were creepy, he'd give bias scenarios over some sort of conversation to have his friends decide...without you there.

dandymidori 0

Hmm, I don't necessarily agree with the whole OP being a creepy loser, but yeah, it's fun seeing the other responders freaking out about it :P As for the rest of your post, ladiidaa, I totally agree! MUCH more practical/rational!

blue0522room 0

have you ever maybe thought that those girls were ******* jealous of you and knew you were in the bathroom so they said that knowing you would hear?

blue0522room 0

yeah just go straight up to him and talk to him . maybe those girls were lying and he will know how stupid those girls are.

should have went up to him and said oh I'm not into it it's just not working for me bye

those girls were probably just lying because they obviously new you were in there. :)