By Anonymous - 29/06/2011 23:52 - United States

Today, my boyfriend tried to tell me that he was worried our child might not be mine because he was cheating on me when I got pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 984
You deserved it 7 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Wow he can get two girls, yet doesn't know the rules of the Stork.

I hope your baby doesn't inherit his brains.

If I were you, I would leave him. You and your child deserve someone better (and smarter). If you feel you can't take care of your child, there's always adoption

Unlucky1232 20

dumbass. I don't care if u dump him or not but seriously its still his dont separate the kid and the father. I had to help raise my fatherless sister, its not fun.

I don't know what's worse. Not understanding the principal of conception or being unfaithful. Sorry you have to deal with this op. I hope you make the best decision for yourself and your child

emmiliejanne 9

Definitely not the brightest crayon in the box, is he? 😂