By Anonymous - 29/06/2011 23:52 - United States

Today, my boyfriend tried to tell me that he was worried our child might not be mine because he was cheating on me when I got pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 984
You deserved it 7 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments


congratulations not only is your boyfriend an ass he's also an utter idiot

Well on the plus side atleast you know from now so you dont make the mistake of getting too close without a paternity test ;)

I agree with # 6, that is a not-good way to find out he was cheating:(

GreenEyedWoman 0

He just wanted to end it fast. No one can be that retarded

QueenBitch808 0
goldandsand 4

How is that possible if YOU had the baby?

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, how can someone actually be that stupid! I hope you don't stay with him.... For a lot of reasons! :)

You deserve it bitch go hook up with a good guy instead.