By Anonymous - 15/05/2013 06:43 - United States

Today, my boyfriend yelled at me. Apparently I'm not the "classy girl" he thought I was, and he's not comfortable "doing such vile things in public." I had tried to hold his hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 891
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MoronsAccount1 12

I think it's time to find a man and not a boy.

How is holding hands vile? He seems like an immature douche bag, or an overly conservative religious nut. Find someone who will want to hold your hand all the time :3


Sign one that your boyfriend is secretly Vulcan.

Yea hussy! Stop trying to take his handginity! He saving hisself for marriage! XD sorry I couldn't resist.

otherwiseblessed 3

Are you dating Sheldon Cooper?

wanderingshopper 13

Run! You don't deserve that kind of treatment from him.

AUGH! YDI for doing such a vile thing as holding someone's hand! Cooties can be fatal to males, so try to be more considerate, you unclassy, cootie-spreading fiend!

patwtfd37 4

For me this is usually the other way around. I try to hold the girls hand in public and she pulls away, but inside one of our houses it's perfectly fine to hold her hand, but it's not the same. Outside it's like it's showing all the other guys to stay away because I will fight to the death for this girl.

I'm afraid I have to break it to you... your boyfriend is a time-traveling Victorian. Have fun!

Chaosshadowzero 15

Wow what little baby, how old is your bf 4?

Maybe you should try dating a guy who isn't Amish.