By Anonymous - 15/05/2013 06:43 - United States

Today, my boyfriend yelled at me. Apparently I'm not the "classy girl" he thought I was, and he's not comfortable "doing such vile things in public." I had tried to hold his hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 891
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MoronsAccount1 12

I think it's time to find a man and not a boy.

How is holding hands vile? He seems like an immature douche bag, or an overly conservative religious nut. Find someone who will want to hold your hand all the time :3


aliciaanomalyyxo 12
Kc1001 14

and he's old enough to have a girl friend?

DoubleSoul 11

What about holding hands is so wrong? It's just a simple display of affection. I think he's too high strung.

I don't normally jump on the 'dump them' bandwagon, but if he seriously thinks holding hands in public is vile and would yell at you for trying to hold hands, you are never going to be able to have a normal, healthy sex life with this guy. He sounds like the kind of guy that will act like you are something dirty just for wanting or enjoying sex, even if you're married. Run away.

I voted FYL, but I know people who do not like to be touched (I myself am one of them), especially without fair warning. So, if touch makes him uncomfortable, and you knew that, YDI. If you don't know why he finds it 'vile' at all, sorry, that's a total FYL.

crazytwinsmom 25

It was just stating an example of how a different culture views things differently. Exposed breasts at the beach was normal and expected, not taboo, but the intimacy of holding hands in the early stages of dating required a chaperone. Confusing? It certainly was to my brother. But he had to respect their wishes since he was a visitor.

crazytwinsmom 25

Sorry this was supposed to be a reply elsewhere.

itsjaliciaa 5

Well Isnt He Prince Charming ?! Smh . Go Find A Real Boyfriend SweetHeart .

Classy ladies hold a gentleman's arm, which he holds out, crooked at the elbow... Tut tut... He is right, you are no classy lady...

XxwumboxX 3