By FuckingDone - 20/05/2016 23:08 - United States - Enterprise

Today, my brother's refused to shower after 2 weeks of dripping sweat and never changing clothes. He claims the smell is just his "manly musk" and if I can't handle it, then maybe I'm the problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 149
You deserved it 1 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lure him into the yard and spray him with a hose

Tell your parents. It's simple but it'll probably work out.


Spray liquid ass in his room. When he gets mad, say that it's just your manly musk, and he's a pansy if he can't handle it.

I'm now curious as to exactly what "liquid ass" smells like.

TabooSushi 24

Imagine the stankiest ass smell you possibly can. Now quadruple it. That's what liquid ass smells like.

andrmac 25

Super soaker with soapy water maybe 2 and don't stop until he's completely covered and forced to go rinse off somewhere. Repeat as necessary!

I'm curious - does he not have to go to work or school? You'd guess a teacher/employer would have raised this issue by now.

Wait till he is asleep then put ketchup on him ! Then he will have to wash.

LiliK_fml 21

I feel your pain. My partner's brother is pretty much the same, he hasn't washed in over 2 weeks now and he's really starting to smell awful.

Have your parents not told him to shower? Does he not have school/work? Have his friends not spoken to him? Does he not respect himself? Like... What the ****? Does he not smell how bad he is? I have so many questions.

unfortunately People can't smell their own odor as well as they can smell others, their nose gets used to it and starts to ignore it

"Afraid of being offensive"?! His stank is offensive!