By Tired - 13/07/2009 13:25 - Philippines

Today, my building's elevators were temporarily out of service. I climbed up 17 flights of stairs only to realize I left my keys downstairs. After the painful climb back up, the elevator lights came on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 750
You deserved it 6 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

klutzywriter 0

Haha that's sucky At least you got some exercise?

Jazzywrites007 2

Oh STFU Seventeen flights of stairs could rough even on the smallest and most athletic. Why are you guys such ***** on this site? I remember when it used to be fun to read these FMLs and the comments...


gdude756 0

I don't get how this is on FML, that isn't bad at all

you never whined about climbing the stairs. so i will say i'm sorry. this sounds like somethingsi would do. best check your pockets ne tim

ithedarkknight 0

aww at least you got a little work out... maybe you should try taking the stairs as a workout... to stay in shape... not saying your fat or anything but it will be a good way to warm up for a good jog or run go down the stairs run then when you go home run up the stairs...

malcolm1919 0

Good excercise, take the stairs more often

Thaaat sucks. I've never really been in that situation, so I wouldn't know how you feel. FYL because of the irony that the elevator started back up once you reached the top. That just sucks.

Yatta_fml 0

Wow, your life real is ****** if you think getting some excercise has screwed you over.

Jazzywrites007 2

OP, People saying "you're fat, boohoo, at least you got exercise, don't bitch because you had to move around a bit, this isn't an FML, etc..." are the same people who come here SOLELY to find reasons to spit YDI at people. **** 'em. On the bright side, Honey: I bet Your Ass and Thighs look GREAT after this!

It sucks but it`s not an Fml. These things happen it`s unfortunate that it came back on right after your second trip up the stairs but really getting some excercise doesn`t mean you life is ******. Now if it was 17 flights up a building for a job interview and your forgot your resume in the car and had to go down to get it and back up and then the elevator came back on and you didn`t get the job for being late, THAT would be an FML

riku3220 2

People here saying it's only a little exercise seem to be mistaking "17 flights" as "17 stairs". 17 flights is a long way up idiots.