By Tired - 13/07/2009 13:25 - Philippines

Today, my building's elevators were temporarily out of service. I climbed up 17 flights of stairs only to realize I left my keys downstairs. After the painful climb back up, the elevator lights came on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 750
You deserved it 6 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

klutzywriter 0

Haha that's sucky At least you got some exercise?

Jazzywrites007 2

Oh STFU Seventeen flights of stairs could rough even on the smallest and most athletic. Why are you guys such ***** on this site? I remember when it used to be fun to read these FMLs and the comments...


cassiechlorine 0

you guys who are bagging on OP are ****** up! 17 flights of steps is a LOT of freaking steps, && she had to do it twice? you'd be tired too so stfu! sucks that you left your keys downstairs, hope it doesnt happen again!

whyme_ss 0

GEEZE like i wouldnt say fyl if it was like 3 or 4 flights of stairs... but 17 x 3= 51... holy shit my legs hurt just thinking about it!

onallfours 0

Be glad you can actually climb stairs, you idiot. There are those who would've been stuck waiting in the lobby in their wheelchairs while you were in your apt relaxing.

Wow that sucks. But on the bright side, you will never forget your keys again!!!

AtoZandBeyond 0

Well at least u got some exercise

I hate to laugh at it, but yes, it dies suck but... at least you had a good cardio workout? xD

you probably needed the exercise out of shape, I mean you're complaining about using a flight of stairs?? fatty