By Tired - 13/07/2009 13:25 - Philippines

Today, my building's elevators were temporarily out of service. I climbed up 17 flights of stairs only to realize I left my keys downstairs. After the painful climb back up, the elevator lights came on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 750
You deserved it 6 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

klutzywriter 0

Haha that's sucky At least you got some exercise?

Jazzywrites007 2

Oh STFU Seventeen flights of stairs could rough even on the smallest and most athletic. Why are you guys such ***** on this site? I remember when it used to be fun to read these FMLs and the comments...


thelonelylurker 0

Hahah #54. Word. I think OP meant: I had to walk up some stairs today instead of having technology haul my ass around. FML.

loooooooooool_fml 1

You seriously need to learn that 17 flights of stairs IS a lot. As I said before, you people saying that the OP is lazy for whining are idiots. You would whine as well if you were forced to climb 17 flights of stairs. People DO get tired if they have to climb 10+ flights of stairs. Even if you are fat or not.

You are lazy, suck it up. There is the bright side that you got some exercise.

beachislove 0

good exercise. in shape or not.

suck it up i ran up the cn tower which is 144 flights of stairs or over 30 000 steps i believe even tho this would suck

FMLGirl1991 0

17 flights of stairs isn't much. You only had to walk it. Kinda sucks that the elevator was fixed right after you finished climbing back up. At least you got some exercise. But if 17 flights of stairs is a difficult feat for you, you might want to consider a tad bit more exercise.

punkyyumi 0

Horrible thing to happen but YDI, karma obviously thought you were getting chubby.