By Anonymous - 28/12/2012 04:58 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, my car was broken into. What was stolen? My daughter's $11 One Direction poster. What will it cost to fix my car? $1,000. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 024
You deserved it 4 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments


sarah17xx_fml 10

Wow, must be some pretty hardcore directioners.

Oh, you don't know? There's this "1D" biker gang filled with big muscular men who live and breathe for "1D". You should've seen the fight last night they had with the biker gang that loves "The wanted."

I cannot understand why certain fans feel the need to "name" themselves. Juggalos, Beliebers, Directioners... Is their self-respect that low that they just have to fit in that badly?

SashaPierterse 8

It's catchy and easier than saying "a HUGE fan of One Direction!"

If you are too lazy to say "I'm a fan of One Direction" your life must be ridiculously boring.

SashaPierterse 8

We aren't too lazy it's just better

irishpassion16 6

I do find some of these names annoying, but it's like saying that we have no life because we call ourselves humans instead of **** sapiens. It's just a way of classification, it has nothing to do with self respect

I guess there was only one direction, and that was into your car.

There are some scary one direction fans. I remember telling my friend that One Direction wasn't my type of thing when it came on in a shop. A girl turned around and threatened to punch me for it. When I laughed (I thought she was kidding), she spent about ten minutes glaring at me until she left. The most worrying thing was that she was about two feet shorter than me and pretty young. She didn't look like she could fight her way out of a paper bag. If I were her, I definitely wouldn't be starting fights. What if she'd started a fight with someone who actually took her up on the offer and got the snot beaten out of her? How big of a fan do you have to be to do that?

xknightlightx 2

Truth is that being a fan is what the business people that help the bands make money want... They want people to become fans.. Advertisements pictures profiles.. People become fans by reading about it and think the people in the bands are so perfect or something, but they're not.. They judged too quickly or something... I really hate fans ugh @.@.@@ so annoying i swear

To be honest though, there are bands that I'm a fan of but, other than going to gigs and buying their music or merch, I don't really do much about it. I literally don't give a damn about who they're dating, how much they weigh, how they look. I definitely don't see them as perfect, because nobody is. I'm willing to go get hot and sweaty in a crowded venue and cheer them on, but I'm not willing to send death threats to their girlfriends, stalk them or invade their privacy. I don't understand why people like One Direction, Justin Bieber etc have such insane fans. It's quite scary actually. I feel sorry for them. Whoever is in charge of advertising them needs to do it differently. I'm not into pop and, I'll admit it, I've laughed at a few jokes at their expense, but people need to stop treating them like perfect gods/business deals and start taking the fact that they're humans into consideration.

Kids these days are even bigger sheep than previous generations. With the influx of electronic media, it's so much easier to brainwash their minds now and get them to follow crappy "musicians" to the ends of the earth and shell out all their parents hard earned cash for cap like 1D posters while they are at it.

MarisaCB 16

It's kind of unfair to say they're not musicians, because they are. One Direction was on X Factor, and Justin Beiber was discovered from YouTube. I do agree their fans are crazy, but these celebrities are still famous. It's just your opinion. I'm not a big fan of either, but I've also never understand why so many guys insist on referring to 1D and Justin as "gay". First off, who cares if they are? They're still getting millions of girls. Second, who cares about their personal lives at all? No one knows them personally so what does it matter.

Because they're teen girls, and teen girls can get a bit obsessive, in case you haven't noticed. I know because I was a huge Duran Duran fan back in the 1980s and am STILL a bit embarrassed about it, even if I can chalk it up to being a silly teenage girl.

#43- I agree. These celebrities eat it all up too. Then to make more $$$ ( and to make it even worse) they start coming out with these lame ass perfumes. Go to any Macy's and you'll see Taylor Swift, Mariah Carey, JB, the Kartrashians.. The list goes on

You have to be bat shit crazy. i love One Direction, but what the ****? She was really gonna punch you for that?

I sit around a bunch of one direction freaks at school. One spend 2000 on a ******* necklace and writes their names and never washes her hand. I personally hate one direction so they have this cult against me ._.

I am a huge Directioner and I admit some of us are jacked up. But not all of us are scary. For that matter, most Directioners are little girls and teens. There are a sprinkle of guys... But anyway, we just love the guys and they inspire us everyday. Their music and personalities. Their looks and accents are just extras to the whole thing. Believe me, they are the full package. If you don't believe me, go look up funny videos of them and there is no way you won't laugh. I ❤Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn!

GemmaStyles 14

I get what your saying #170. I heard about them on Omegle when they were only famous in the UK. Someone told me to look up the What Makes you Beautiful song and I loved it at the time. I grew out of it and did not even consider myself a Directioner, but there were some crazy girls at the time. I was excited when they came to the US, then I met the crazies and was like "NOPE! Not associating myself with these idiots!" and switched to fangirling over Len Kagamine, Kaito Shion, and Gakupo Kamui instead. If you don't know who they are, look them up. They are virtual singers.

The real question is why in hell anyone would pay $11 for a one direction poster?

xknightlightx 2

One-direction fans... Going nuts over a poster... They're so sickening... And there is a 1D. Bike gang? Wtf? One Direction hardcore fans need to get slapped..there is nothing right about being a ridiculous fans/groupies are... They need to get a life

xknightlightx 2

Lol im glad o.o but im pretty sure at some point there might have been a female biker onedirection fan gang o.e

xknightlightx 2

You know.. Some people are thumbing me down? But can anyone actually say im wrong about anything? Come on ?

SashaPierterse 8

You're completely right. I am a directioner but I wouldn't break into someone's car for a poster. That's what $4 magazines are for. And I stand up for them, but I wouldn't start a fight with someone about it. It's ridiculous. And they stay outside hotels for 2-5 nights in winter just to catch them when they come out! Wtf!

xknightlightx 2

I had so many thoughts here that even my grammer wasnt checked correctly before sending -.-

xknightlightx 2

Truth is that the people who help bands Make money want people to become fans... Fans need to stop thinking that people in bands are so perfect or something, cause they're not. They give bands too much credit.. I mean i have seen alot of pretty girls from bands... Even when one of them seems perfect in and out... They're just people with poetry and they can make it with music or something like that... So what? There are plenty of other people.. So why go crazy with a band when there is a better way to belong with someone... I dunno what else to say..hardcore fans need psychological help.. Morons...

TellMeWhatsDeath 14

Um.. are you finished ranting or are there more comments to come? Lol

TellMeWhatsDeath 14

Oh wait! You are finished! xD

xknightlightx 2

Um basically i made two posts... The second one there doesnt count as much .. It was a defensive one.. I've thought of all these things before, so naturally, i'd have alot to say... So it's not i' m mindlessly talking... The purpose of this comment here is to counter against any ridiculous fan.. I'm open to challenges i'll accept it if i am proven wrong as i am here to also learn.. I dont deserve to be ridiculed for talking about at least two important things against crazy fans like in this fml

xknightlightx 2

If people are going to thumb down, tell me why and how i'm wrong... Or how are those thumb downs supposed to even count pfft o.e lol ...

xknightlightx 2

Wow .. Its not a spam, they're just long messages And perhaps u're also talking about my replies?? Replies exist for obvious reasons.. And even though I did communicate with annoyance, there is a good purpose And my replies and messages might seem like idiocies to you, but it's a start... For me to figure out things i only said "o.e" once. And not liking me should have nothing to do with what my words are worth...

You used that dumb o.e face at least three times, and some weird @.@.@@@ or something once, also your comments make no sense, and were in fact spamming this FML. That is why you continue to get so many thumbs down rather than thumbs up. Calm down.

xknightlightx 2

Well at least im not wrong based on other stuff i read... And people tend to take things seriously, this is the first time i've been thumbed down -.- so i have to know what's up .so i dont do it again and find a way around it. Those are not good reasons to thumb down.. Its very baised.. I only thumb down something if the person is wrong or right in my view, not because they're spamming or because they use smileys... I counted my "o.e" i used it twice... In two very apart messages Also i do make sense. I did get some thumbs up ... There are two or three small areas where i messed up, i cant edit it from here. And no im not spamming, i'm replying within my posts...

You posted three separate ridiculous, unnecessary comments. That is spamming. I didn't count how many times you really used it because I don't care.

xknightlightx 2

No one asked of you cared.. And they are not ridiculous because they are informative of my view , they are necessary, ... So far a handful of people have said some of the things i'vesaid so yeah.. Its not spamming, the first two and the third comment were seperate chain of thoughts... So far no one has told me why and how im wrong... This thumbing down thing is biased

You aren't getting thumbed down because you're "wrong", it's because other people don't like what you're saying. It is biased. Personally, I felt like your comments didn't add anything new and your style of writing is annoying, rambling and hard to read. Then the whining began so I continued to thumb you down.

DeadxManxWalking 27

One Direction's fans are far over obsessive. They claim to marry the gay men. They claim that One Direction cares about the fans when all they care about is, you guessed it, $money$.

SashaPierterse 8

It's dedicated, not obsessive. Yeah I'm a directioner, I only joke around with my friends about marrying them, I have enough sense to know they won't ever know I exist. Not all Directioners are like that. It's like saying all black people are stupid. Not all of them are, just like not all Directioners are on drugs.

Is it bad that I read the $ as s? Smoneys? lol Weirdest word ever.