By Anonymous - 11/04/2010 19:11 - United States

Today, my cat brought yet another chipmunk into our house. She never kills them, so they stay in our house until we either capture them or they escape. So far, she's brought in three squirrels, four chipmunks, four mice, and a snake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 489
You deserved it 68

Top comments

Gawrsh_youRhymed 0

that's one badass cat you have there!

Just keep them all in the house... the snake will eventually be the only one left.


raineydayes 0

God people on here scare me. Seriously, all of you saying that cats should be outdoors are.....frightening me. Does no one realize cats are small because we domesicated them and by abandoning them and dumping them on random streets and driving away we are killing lives? And screwing up the food chain???? When I went to Maui awhile ago, many species of rare birds had gone extinct because someone dumped a bunch of cats into a forest and they populated and fed on the birds. Also, each year, around 4 million abandoned and abused pets are killed because there is simply no room for them in shelters? And that is not an exaggeration! When you let pets out, they populate...and populate....AND POPULATE!! When you make cats live outside (WHERE THEY SHOULDNT BE), you hurt everything. "Adopt one, until their are none."

mdmdt 0

Amen. Cats are domesticated animals that humans brought to the Americas, they are definitely not a native species and are not "meant" to be outdoor animals. It is in everyone's best interests to keep cats indoors at all times unless you can provide a safe, enclosed outdoor environment. Free-roaming cats are exposed to all kinds of hazards - cars, poisons, dogs, diseases, parasites, predators, bored teenagers. That's why they have an average life span of 5 years, which is 10 years fewer than that of strictly indoor kitties. Not to mention the devastating impact outdoor cats have on local small prey populations. For anyone who is interested in the facts...

mdmdt 0

5 years is the average, that means that are some above and some below that average. Yes there are outdoor cats live to 20, but for each of those there are many many more that don't even see their first birthday. You are apparently lucky to live in a safe area and to have cats who aren't interesting in bringing birds home (that doesn't mean they don't kill them). Unfortunately the vast majority of people are not fortunate enough to be in your situation, and that's why as a rule cats belong INSIDE. Even in rural areas away from roads there are usually big predators & many more parasites such as ticks and fleas.

littlelemur 2

I always kept my cats inside, especially since I lived on a busy street at the time. The point is, there's lots of anecdotal evidence in support of indoor/outdoor cats (such as #161's cats who lived full lives) but you're really playing russian roulette. It's pure chance and coincidence if none of your cats get killed going outdoors, but if just ONE cat should happen upon some bad luck, well the danger was present all along.

You ever seen a bobcat or a lynx? They're about the same size as a house cat and ten times as pissed off when they meet you. I know because they get into fights with my dogs.

briansbaby19 0

if my cat did that I would kill her. Maybe you shouldn't let her outside anymore

awe :) my kitty used to bring in live bunnies from our woods. I thought it was cute, mom not so much.

I hope your cat got it's shots and even so, you might want to get them done again.

your cats a fag! what cat brings the rat home instead of killing it?

taketheepill 0

played but oh well, here it goes. Atleast your pussy isn't giving crabs to people.

jaclynroseYANKEE 0

i love cats!!! so cutee dont let it go outside

DGAFprincess 0

sorry guys, but if a cat enters my back yard, it's fair game. if the owner of said cat isn't responsible enough to keep it enclosed then that's too damn bad. **** you whoever said he's vicious and needs to be put down. he's a rescue dog who happens to have been severey abused by his previous owners. so yeah, he's got some off the wall habits, like not letting anyone or anything he doesn't personally know jump the fence into our yard. when he's on a leash he'll sniff cats oter dogs and people and there are no issues. he's actually a big, 110 lb teddy bear who happens to be very protective of his mama. in his eyes, those cats are coming onto our yard to harm our family. and I gaurenteehes not the only dog who is territorial, so all you cat owners, keep your filthy useless animals in your home! and no, I can't be arrested for it because it's MY property and legally you cannot claim a cat unless it is an indor cat. my neighbors tried that :)

#159 absolutely everything that #167 said, except written all in capital letters, added swear words and slights on your mother.

agreed #189. also with more comments about mental instability. just a side note, do we ever hear about cats mauling toddlers, other dogs or anybody? no. theyll scratch or bite, but then they leave. people go on about how great dogs are, but domesticated cats never kill people. dogs do.

hadesareskronos 5

considering science has proved cats are smarter than dogs, faster, and easier to have as pets, your ugly piece of shit should be put down for eating a beautiful animal. you say your pet should not die, but you let cats, who are way better than your demon, be killed by it? if you own a dog you have phsychological problems, and if you love that ****, somethings wrong with you. cats are too smart to be trained or told what to do. they dont kill children. they don't smell. they dont lick. they don't bark. they cuddle with you and fill your life with joy. they don't have to be walked. they don't wake you up in the night. they aren't ugly like dogs. they are cute. they don't hurt you. scientific studies show that when you are depressed cats are mor therapeutic than dogs. yarn is less expensive and requires less work than dog toys. they don't beg for attention. studies show that there are more domestic cats than dogs in the USA, the world's leading dominant superpower. I agree the owners should take better care of their pets, but their pets should be taken away from them if they let them out in a neighborhood with a demonic evil thing like your dog hanging around, if I lived near you I would put down the thing myself for everyone else in the neighborhood's safety and happiness. enjoy picking up its shit instead of having to only clean out a litterbox with a cat. the carpet bills you'll have to pay will be hilarious! put it down and get a kitty angel. did you know elephants mate up to 75 times a day?