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By HBSLICE - 02/02/2016 18:37 - United States

Today, my cellphone-hating teacher called someone during class, so I called him out about it. Turned out his wife was having a tumor removed, and he was calling to see if she was okay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 674
You deserved it 25 405

HBSLICE tells us more.

all I did was make a joke about his policy and he blew the **** up. he is the kind of guy that gives you 3 days of detention if your phone vibrates in your pocket. real nazi.

Top comments

I assume since the teacher made that rule he'd make sure it's a damn good reason he's using it.

ScottVining 21

If he really hates phones you should've realized it was something serious.


You had no way of knowing but kind of weird he did not excuse himself for a minute. However, people should not play on their phones during class time. It is rude. I do not get why people pay thousands of dollars for schooling just to play on their phones.

Koalabiter 6

I wouldn't worry; they're probably actually relieved to be able to tell the class. I can't imagine they would want to walk in and announce their situation to the students. It'll be old news by tomorrow.

Why should his teacher have to disclose any details about his life to his class? Why would it make him feel relieved to be pushed to to disclose something deeply personal? I can't think of any reason why a teacher would want to announce details of their personal life (save maybe a pregnancy that will directly affect their capacity to work with their students) to those they teach.

Redgy22 26

On one hand, who are you to tell him how to behave in his own class? He makes the rules, you follow them. On the other hand, it's strange that he didn't give the class a heads up on the extenuating circumstances & why he may need to use his phone & interrupt class. Just out of courtesy if nothing else. Most phone Nazis understand exceptions to the rule.

shepardkinz 19

I say **** Your Life. He could have waited until after class to call.

Umm no. His class. His rules. He can break them since his own rules don't apply to him. You are living in a fantasy land and if you actually think he should have waited till after class just to make things "fair" for his class there is something wrong in your head and your prioritizing skills.

He probably "hates" cellphones, because the students in his class are too busy 'snapchatting' and using facebook/Instagram to listen to the teacher and get an education.

Jets4Life89 4

I'm suprise the teacher didn't tell you about his wife before

ninjuh_wingman 29

The teacher doesn't have to tell his students shit. What goes on in his life isn't their business.

I know I guess my teachers always tell me about their outside life I just asumed that all do I been spoiled

He still broke his own rule. Not your fault

YDI. Even if your teacher wasn't calling for something important, he's still your teacher. You should give some respect. His reason for not liking cellphones is because it's rude to play with your phone while he's teaching.